So it looks as though maybe (just maybe) we’re now over the crest of the lockdowns and the economic halt the COVID pandemic brought us all to–
Businesses are opening up again, the footy is back (with strong rumours the crowds are soon to follow) and just this last week I even got to enjoy that dimly remembered, pre-March 2020 pastime of enjoying a cold one and mingling down at my local. Bliss!
All things considered, we look set to enjoy something else too: a renewed surge in customer activity. And if times have been tougher than usual for you these past couple of months, then this is welcome news! However- as the boy scouts motto says: Be Prepared.
It follows that if you want to be ready for this coming surge and fully capitalise on it, you need to have the right strategy in place when it comes to your business marketing. To find the right answers, then you need to ask yourself the right questions, and be doing it NOW-
But there’s no need to panic, because I’m about to share the cheat sheet with you here. As the world begins to open up once more, and people are looking to buy from you once again, THESE are the questions you need to be asking:
#1- What do people associate your business with, as a brand?

In other words- what values and attributes do your leads and your customers think of when they think of your business?
And more to the point- does this match what you want your brand to be associated with?
#2- When your target audience thinks of your industry, do you come to mind?

Or is it somebody else who they’re associating with what you sell or what you do?
Because it doesn’t matter how superior your product is or how much better your service is, if your ideal leads are thinking of somebody else who’s in the same business as you- and going to them instead as a result- that’s x amount of dollars you’re missing out on. Every single time.
However…it doesn’t have to be this way….
With the right content strategy, you can become the #1, front and centre whenever your leads think of your industry….
#3- Do you have a clear process of converting your leads into sales?

If you don’t, then every time a prospective customer reaches out to you or your team, it’s really a game of chance. Some might buy from you and that’s great- but how many are slipping through your fingers, simply because you aren’t clear on your steps to conversion?
If you were clear on the steps to conversion, you could boil this down to a process, and following this process you’d be converting far more leads than you are currently. With this surge of customer activity incoming, the difference between leaving it to chance and having a process in place could end up equalling hundreds of thousands of dollars difference to your bottom line…
So needless to say- it literally pays to get clear on this!
#4- What should you be sharing with your target audience online?

The way to become a prominent voice of authority in your industry and make a connection with your target audience is to be sharing information that’s relevant to them- but also telling them about your business, and sharing your story. Which begs the question:
What information should you be sharing?
What are they going to find engaging, and what would be a waste of your time and energy to be talking about?
As I discussed recently, in 2020 publishing regular blog articles should be one of the top priorities (if not the #1 top priority) in any content strategy you implement, and with good reason. If you’re still not sure why this is, then take a look at these current stats:
#5- What should you be writing about, and how do you do it?

Once you’re sitting down, ready to brainstorm ideas then write them out and fashion them into your next article, a whole range of questions present themselves. These are all potential roadblocks to your creative flow and actually getting content out there:
- What are you going to write your article about? More importantly, what does your target audience actually want to be hearing about?
- How long should your article be- is it long enough, or are you waffling on too much with irrelevant details that’s going to bore your audience and risk them abandoning your article before they’re even halfway through?
- Should you create an offer and include it in your article? Should you include a call to action in every article you publish- or is this too ‘pushy’ and an instant turn-off for your audience?
Etc etc….
So there’s all these questions you’re asking yourself in the process of putting together that killer content strategy- and implementing it. Now if this all sounds too difficult, and the idea of publishing a regular blog seems like a mountainous workload too big to handle? Then I have some great news for you-
Because I’m going to show you how you can be pumping out your own, regular blog articles- following the same easy process I follow in order to consistently write articles just like this one, whether writing for my own blog or doing it for my clients…
On top of that? You’re also going to discover:
- How to make your target audience see you as the voice of authority…
- The 5-step process that converts your leads into sales…
- What your target audience really wants to know- and how to identify what this is, regardless of what business you’re in…
- How to write informative, entertaining and engaging articles that share your story- and sells you as THE “go-to” for your leads…
- How to consistently publish great articles that get read, get likes, get commented on and get shared by your audience- and never get stuck for ideas ever again!
Plus lots more…
So if the idea of learning all of this interests you?
Then contact me today and register your interest in attending my upcoming Blogging- Stories That Sell workshop. The course is online, so you can learn how to write like a pro from the comfort of your own home! Because I want to ensure everybody who attends is given the individual attention they deserve, spots are strictly limited to just 20 attendees– so it pays to get in quick. I have previous attendees who got so much value out of this workshop that they’re coming back a second time to refine their skills even further- and who am I to deny them that opportunity?
So contact me and register your interest today!